Monday, January 18, 2010

The parents.

To understand your parents you must raise children yourself.

My mother.

My mom is the most energetic, determined, lovable human being in the world. She supports me through thick and thin and is always on my side even when I'm not. She brings the fun to the room and lightens everyones day up. She is 44 years old, but acts like she is 21. I couldn't be more grateful for my mom because if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be where I am. She pushes me to do better and yells at me to bring my P.E. clothes every week, even though I don't. She has taught me to be a better person and I realized I wanted to be more like her. She knows how to be fun, but she also knows how to discipline my sister and I, which is the reason Nanny 911 hasn't come knocking on our door. I love my mom with all my heart and she deserves everything she gets. She works hard in life and still continues to look the way she does. She has always told me that it is OK to make a mistake, but to never let it stop you from going for what you want. She always tells me I'm beautiful even when I have pimples all over my face and my hair doesn't even look like it should be on my head. Mother's are for help, support, and love, but my mom is so much more that it is impossible to list it down. I love you Mom.

My Father.
My dad is the biggest character you will ever meet, 100% guaranteed. He is my biggest inspiration to achieve my goals and to not let anyone get in my way. He knows how to make me laugh and cry, or both at the same time. My dad knows how to be serious when needed and knows how to just let loose. He gives me the gift of humor and strength. His job is what scares me the most, having to go into fires to save people or even perform CPR on someone, though I rarely see him sometimes I know he's helping this family stay where we are and he is saving someones life. My dad is extremely athletic and loves sports just like me. He use to play football and rugby, two very brutal sports. My dad works for everything that he earns and deserves every bit of it. Even though I push him in the pool a few times he still is Ironman. He is also a Native American and loves to talk about Columbus stealing our land, which I totally agree. I like to compete with him on almost everything because it's funny when I beat him. My dad is the most caring, lovable dad on Earth that I can't imagine what it's like not having him as my dad. I love you Dad!

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